Rebecca Purcell

Nuance matters - Intention matters - Energy matters

  • Card Deck
  • Purcell’s Organon 9 Worlds – Card deck

Purcell’s Organon 9 Worlds – Card deck


Purcell’s Organon 9 Worlds – Card deck


Note: Due to a paper mix-up, I am reducing the price of the Organon 9 Worlds Cards from 55.00 to 30.00 for a limited run. These are the same cards as my standard deck, but the weight of the paper is lighter than usual.

If you would like to pre-order my original standard deck at 55.00 with the heavier paper weight, let me know through the contact link on the bio page.

Deck Description

The Organon 9 Worlds Card Deck is a portal into the creative realm. Choosing and identifying with a card illuminates an esoteric domain filled with symbolic meaning, each card depicting a specific phase in the creative process. Using aesthetic attraction as a guide, the cards can provide insight into current projects, a fresh perspective on your creative path, or uncover central themes related to authenticity and your unique voice.

Details — The Deck includes a brief background on Organon 9 Worlds, instructions, nine illustrated World Cards, and three additional art cards. The reverse side of each World Card details the individual phase and offers suggestions for connection and interaction.

Note! Shipping available to the US only. I am sometimes away from my studio and unable to ship promptly. If you need your item to ship immediately, please contact me through the link on the Bio page.

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Note: Due to a paper mix-up, I am reducing the price of the Organon 9 Worlds Cards from 55.00 to 30.00 for a limited run. These are the same cards as my standard deck, but the weight of the paper is lighter than usual.

If you would like to pre-order my original standard deck at 55.00 with the heavier paper weight, let me know through the contact link on the bio page.

Deck Description

The Organon 9 Worlds Card Deck is a portal into the creative realm. Choosing and identifying with a card illuminates an esoteric domain filled with symbolic meaning, each card depicting a specific phase in the creative process. Using aesthetic attraction as a guide, the cards can provide insight into current projects, a fresh perspective on your creative path, or uncover central themes related to authenticity and your unique voice.

Details — The Deck includes a brief background on Organon 9 Worlds, instructions, nine illustrated World Cards, and three additional art cards. The reverse side of each World Card details the individual phase and offers suggestions for connection and interaction.

Note! Shipping available to the US only. I am sometimes away from my studio and unable to ship promptly. If you need your item to ship immediately, please contact me through the link on the Bio page.